Supercharge your product feed

Easily import your products and improve their visibility across all channels. It's free up to 1 000 products

What's in for you ?

Easily import your products

Feedcast simplifies the process of importing your product feed through our custom integrations, designed around leading e-commerce technologies.

Enrich product feed data

Enrich your products data easily without impacting your original feed : titles, descriptions, images, variants... Everything is distributed widely !

Fix product feed errors

Effortlessly track and rectify feed errors that compromise the visibility of your products across networks.

Advertise with accuracy

Save time by managing your diffusion in Feedcast once and effortlessly distribute your products across various networks.

Product feed is your online store backbone

The product feed is like a digital list of all the items you're selling in your online store. This list includes important details about each item, like its name, price, pictures, and other specific data points (for example, for a shirt, it could include the color and size).

Think of it like a menu in a restaurant. Just like the menu provides information about each dish (ingredients, price, etc.), a product feed provides information about each product in your online store.

Let's make it simple : the more quality data reside in your feed, the more visible your products will be.

Join +2100 brands using Feedcast

We help brands of any size to easily advertise their products online.

+ 800 000

boradcasted products

+ 57 millions

generated clicks

+ €108 millions

in sales generated

Ready to skyrocket your online sales ?

Feedcast is certified by major advertising platforms, you're in good hands 👋